
Story of Tapbot iPhone developers Mark and Paul

The 3 Tapbots apps: Weightbot, Convertbot and Pastebot are 3 of the best, most
unique, elegantly designed interfaces on the iPhone. They are also exceptional, highly functional apps and I sometimes play with Convertbot just for it's interface.

A highly recommended read at Cult of Mac

Posted in Category iPhone + Objective C by Nathan Querido

PassShark - iPhone style password masking using MooTools

PassShark.js is a free and easy-to-implement password masking class developed using MooTools. Inspired and based on the excellent iPhone and iPod touch password dialog.

This is our first officially released MooTools plugin, with many more already in development. PassShark is a small component in a series of Form based plugins, specifically being created for the next major release of Ether.Flex CMS, v2.
Posted in Category Javascript by Luis Merino

App Store Rejection

I picked this story up from Daring Fireball

We had a similar rejection for our CinemaZone app which included an icon that slightly resembled Apple's iCal. The frustration for us was that Apple's App Store team never specified which graphics were out-of-line in their rejection E-mail. Some guesswork was required and in the end, we changed the Calendar icon to something unlike iCal's and 'boom' our App was approved.

Read full Tapbots article
Posted in Category iPhone + Objective C by Nathan Querido